Thursday, 15 June 2017

Special Interest Group: Intake two

Folding our paper into sixths....

This was a challenge for our group - Congratulations to Lucas for completing this challenge.

Have a go at completing our optical Art

Can you read back this number??

444,444,444,444,444 ??

Discuss with your family.


  1. Hi! The folding thing was quite hard and the number above is 444 trillion 444 billion 444 million 444 thousand 400 and 44!!! 😄😄😄 andreas Vacaru

  2. Hi! The folding thing was quite hard but I still managed to get it and the number above is 444 trillion 444 billion 444 million 444 thousand 400 and 44!!! The optical art above is also cool 😄😄😄 andreas

  3. Hi! The folding thing was quite hard but I still managed to get it and the number above is 444 trillion 444 billion 444 million 444 thousand 400 and 44!!! The optical art above is also cool 😄😄😄 andreas

  4. pippa6:43 pm

    This was really hard but it was fun from Pippa

  5. Khan Glover7:54 am

    The folding part was really hard but congratulations Lucas, for folding the paper in sixths!
    The optical art was fun but hard.

    from Khan

  6. Anonymous10:19 am

    444 (four hundred and forty four) trillion, 444 billion, 444 million, 444 thousand and 444 - Danya

  7. Anonymous1:55 pm

    how do you read this number 343,343,343,343,343
