Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Rules for Build Me up: Group Tahi and Special Interest

Rules for build me up
This game is to try and make 15 at the top of your pyramid.

  1. Draw a pyramid like this.

   2. Write 15 in the top circle.   

3. Write 4 single digit numbers in the 4 bottom circles (1 - 9).

4. Add the two numbers beside each other and write the answer in the circle above.

5. Keep adding the numbers beside each together.

6. If it was right, it will add up to 15.

By: Rosie


  1. Anonymous12:08 pm

    Yes my pals lucas U and Quinn H were doing it
    right now!!!
    thanks for the activity,

    1. Anonymous12:42 pm

      See if they can change the top number (perhaps to a higher two digit number ie 23...) and see what you can all create!
