Monday, 4 September 2017

Special interest: Ono

We learnt how to work out challenging Mathematical problems by using these techniques:

1. Draw it out
2. Team work
3. Experiment
4. Use other resources
5. Use a smaller case


  1. Anonymous1:44 pm

    It was really fun you should try it out at home!

  2. Anonymous1:52 pm

    I use team work a lot as well as draw it out

  3. JERRY !@#$%^&*()1:56 pm

    these strategies are good try them out yourself

  4. sebastian1:59 pm

    I use teamwork lots of times with my friends in math.

  5. jerry2:06 pm

    team work is really good try it out

  6. benjamin2:08 pm

    when I learn I usually start not knowing how to do it. then I get someone to explain and draw it out. then I get it and I then see if I can relate it to other work that I've done previously.

  7. Rosie2:20 pm

    i think this way of learning is a very good type for team working. i had to put a lot thinking in this challenge. i had a lot of fun!
